Emily Crosby Media - Practical Media Solutions

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Promoting your podcast

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Let’s be honest, there are thousands of podcasts out there.

When they’re scrolling the options on their phone, there’s little to tell your audience that you’ve poured your heart and soul into your latest production. That’s where promotion comes in.

Obviously, you want to promote your podcast thoroughly when you launch, but you also need to keep promoting throughout its life.

Every time you release an episode, you should be sharing that episode with your existing and potential listeners, through social media posts, your email list, and your own website. Don’t forget to share your promotional materials with any guests - make the most of their audience too!

Here’s three great resources for creating those promotional materials -

Podfollow is a fantastic website that creates a link to your podcast or episode that automatically sends your listener to the correct platform for their device. Claim your podcast there to get access to download stats too. Once you have that link, add it everywhere you can!

Canva allows you to create graphics that are perfectly formed for your social media channels. Create a couple of templates for Instagram posts, stories, Facebook and any other channels you use, then customise them for each episode and share them widely. Don’t forget to add that link.

Headliner gives you five free audiograms a month on its free plan. These short video clips really draw attention on Stories. Choose a stand out quote from your most recent episode for top share-ability.